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One of the thorniest problems associated with evaluating branching art is that, as a viewer, you will only see an infinitesimal fraction of its possible combinations. Does your mind lead you to believe that you create the rest in your imagination? Would it be different if each permutation of The Garden of Forking Paths were printed separately and bound together into a book that was 100 million billion billion pages long? Would you believe that you KNEW this book after spending 8 minutes flipping through it? Maybe you would. Maybe that says something about the arrogance (or the power) of the human imagination, which pretends that it can compute a 100 million billion billion possibilities after the briefest glance at all the pieces.

One of the thorniest problems associated with evaluating branching art is that, as a viewer, you will only see an infinitesimal fraction of its possible combinations. Maybe you would. Maybe that says something about the arrogance (or the power) of the human imagination, which pretends that it can compute a 100 million billion billion possibilities after the briefest glance at all the pieces.

One of the thorniest problems associated with evaluating branching art is that, as a viewer, you will only see an infinitesimal fraction of its possible combinations. Does your mind lead you to believe that you create the rest in your imagination? Would it be different if each permutation of The Garden of Forking Paths were printed separately and bound together into a book that was 100 million billion billion pages long? Would you believe that you KNEW this book after spending 8 minutes flipping through it? Maybe you would. Maybe that says something about the arrogance (or the power) of the human imagination, which pretends that it can compute a 100 million billion billion possibilities after the briefest glance at all the pieces.

[“howbig1” 52] How big is The Garden of Forking Paths?
[“artmeaning1” 81] How does this create problems ascertaining  meaning in branching art?
[“howbig1” 52] How big is The Garden of Forking Paths?
[“artmeaning1” 81] How does this create problems ascertaining  meaning in branching art?

page 478

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